37 Years Old
Village: Seu
Commune: Seu
District: Mongkol Borei
Province: Banteay Meanchey

Training: Motorbike Repair



Injury: Landmine - 1990 when he was walking through dense scrub to sell rice at the Thai border.

Before his training, Mr Ka repaired bicycles in his community without any formal training. The work was very sporadic, as there are many repairers in his community. After taking part in the Lom Orng program, he can now repair both bicycles and motorbikes, giving him a much greater earning potential in his community of more than 300 families.

He found the training challenging but not difficult, and enjoyed his time at the Lom Orng facility. The training has resulted in more customers and a more successful business for him. The business is in fact so busy, as every family owns at least one motorbike, that Ka has no free time to himself.

Ka is much happier now, with new respect in his community, greater self esteem, and enough money to feed and shelter his family. His eldest child now has the chance to be educated at the school in his community. Ka now earns more than 10,000 Riel per day servicing his community.

Again, Ka was a great example of what this type of opportunity provides these people with. He has clearly grasped his opportunity with both hands and made the most of it. Another beaming smile could not contain the happiness he had in his new life thanks to his Lom Orng training.