Province: Pursat

Training: Motorbike Repair



Injury: Landmine

Ly Mup is a father of four children. After completing his training with CWARS (now known as Lom Orng), he rented a plot of land on which to build his shop and run his business. Today he owns this land, thanks to the success of his business, and the detailed training supplied by Lom Orng.

He is able to send two of his children to school, whilst the other two are old enough to be off working on their own. He is extremely proud of his work skills and has become quite a skilled craftsman in his spare time. The money he is able to save with his business allowed him to buy an air compressor and a welding kit. So in his spare time he constructs benches, chairs, cabinets for his shop and anything else he may require.

Due to the close proximity to the landmine when he was injured, Mup suffers from severe hearing difficulties. As a result, Lom Orng are presently acquiring an expensive hearing aid to provide him with.

Mup was a happy and friendly person who was very keen to talk to us. He personally pulled me aside to find out where I was from and what I was doing in Cambodia. This was also a chance for him to show off and practise his English with me. Both he and his wife seemed extremely happy with their lives and the success of their business.