42 Years Old
Village: Chhnoul Meanchey
Commune: Chhnoul Meanchey
District: Preash Neth Preash
Province: Bantheay Meanchey

Training: Barber



Injury: Landmine - 1987 when he was farming along the Thailand border.

After his injury in 1985 and prior to training at the CWARS (now known as Lom Orng) centre, Hin Hok would do odd jobs in his community like patching bicycle tyres and harvesting rice to earn 2000 Riel per day maximum, which is barely enough money to survive on. Now Mr Hok earns 4000 to 6000 Riel on average per day. This allows him to both live comfortably and save some money.

As is the case with many of the barber students, Hok found the cutting action of the scissors and clippers very difficult to master initially. With much practice during his training he finally mastered the technique, and finds it second nature today.

Hin Hok was particularly grateful to Lom Orng for the help they provided in acquiring the land he needed to build his business on. Happy with his new life, Hok is now able to send his 13 yr old son to school.

Hin Hok was a quiet man, happy to work and chat with us while he did so. He seemed to be extremely proud of the work being done in Cambodia to clear landmines and assist those affected by them. He proudly wears a shirt given to him by CMAC every day to work.