26 Years Old
Village: Prey Mon
Commune: Rohal
District: Preash Neth Preash
Province: Bantheay Meanchey

Training: Tailoring



Injury: Polio

Hey Yi is a busy graduate, taking full advantage of the skills she has learnt at the Lom Orng training centre. She creates three garments per day, and sells them at the local market. People can also come to her with requests for particular outfits for special events such as weddings and funerals. Her skills with sewing now earn her about 7,500 Riel per day.

The most difficult part of her experience at the Lom Orng training centre was being away from her family, and on many nights she would cry herself to sleep. She knew the training was important to her future, so she stuck it out and graduated. Ironically, on completion of her training, she cried when leaving as she had made so many close friends.

Always smiling, and constantly laughing, Yi is proof that a happy and positive attitude can make a difference in your life. There was no sign of self-pity or lost self-confidence in the bright smile of this lovely young woman. Even her tailor's shop seemed to be a focal point of happiness in her village. A number of women in the village gathered at her shop, laughing and talking as Hey Yi worked. Clearly such communities are benefiting from the efforts of Lom Orng.