41 Years Old
Village: Mkak
Commune: Mkak
District: Serey Sophorn 
Province: Banteay Meanchey

Training: Barber



Injury: Landmine - 1986 when he was farming, he went to the jungle looking for fire wood in Am Gat.

Since he was young, Ran always wanted to be a barber when he grew up. Now, after the misfortune of his debilitating injury, he was given the opportunity by Lom Orng (then named CWARS) to fulfil his dreams.

Since completing his training, Ran has been able to earn enough money to support his wife and three children. However, his community is very small, with most of the workers travelling to Thailand for work. As a result his business is limited to only two or three customers per day. He makes 2,000 Riel per haircut, which isn't much, but allows him to work from home without having to travel long distances to work.

The biggest success of his training was the discovery of his new increased self esteem and pride, both of which were severely lacking in his life prior to his barbering course. Furthermore, he is now able to send his beautiful children to study at the local school.

Ran was another happy and smiling fellow, who took great care in his appearance, and making sure himself and his business came across as professional as possible. As mentioned he had always wanted to be a barber, so the Lom Orng (then named CWARS) training was tailor-made for him. From what I could see he suited his new job perfectly and would be successful for a long time to come.