42 Years Old
Village: Mkak
Commune: Mkak
District: Serey Sophorn 
Province: Banteay Meanchey

Training: Barber



Injury: Landmine - 1989 when he was fighting as a soldier in the war against the Khmer Rouge.

Ken found his training with CWARS (now named Lom Orng) quite difficult initially. He was unsure as to how the training was going to help him earn an income. Since completing his training, he no longer has to travel great distances for work, carrying large bags of rice. He is able to stay in his own community and earn a steady income. This supports his family, without the daily hard labour required of him previously.

His three children have also benefited from his training, now have the opportunity to go to school.

Ken sees 2-5 customers per day on average, and charges 2,000 Riel per haircut.

Ken was again a quietly confident man, not too enthusiastic to begin with, but always holding himself with confidence and self-esteem. I got the feeling he didn't entirely enjoy his training, but watching him cut Mr Thai Neth's hair showed he takes much pride in his work. He was somewhat of a perfectionist in his work and did not stop until he thought the job was perfect. The care taken in his work would rival that of any Western barber.