21 Years Old
Village: Chum Theav
Commune: Rousey Koruk
District: Mongkol Borei
Province: Banteay Meanchey

Training: Motorbike Repair



Injury: Polio

Mr Moray thoroughly enjoyed his training with CWARS, and he enjoys running his new business very much. Prior to his training, Boray worked at a cement making company, which is long, back-breaking work, made even more difficult by his condition.

He feels very fortunate for being given the opportunity to take part in some training at the Lom Orng facility. He is the only motorbike repairer in his community, which is very promising for his future earning potential. His parents are extremely proud of Boray for his dedication and new-found independence, and they believe it is a very important step in his life.

On average he repairs 2-3 motorbikes per day, averaging 5000 Riel per repair. Mr Moray also repairs, bicycles, which also looks good for his future business, as a new school is opening near his shop.

To show his appreciation, he offers all Lom Orng staff the opportunity to have their motorbikes repaired by him.

Looking at Boray it was hard to see any sign of disability. He is a very fit, muscular young man who obviously works hard. It was not until I saw him work that it was obvious he was suffering from polio. To work at a cement factory with his condition must have taken plenty of courage and determination. However, the smile on his face when he speaks about his new job and own business, suggested he really enjoys his new life.