45 Years Old
Village: Phnom Tboung
Commune: Ou Prasat 
District: Mongkol Borei
Province: Banteay Meanchey

Training: Motorbike Repair



Injury: Landmine - 2001 when he was walking through dense scrub to sell rice at the Thai border.

After his injury, Ha was confined to his family home where he tried to sell noodles and porridge to make some money. As there were many such shops in his community, it was almost impossible for him to make enough money to support and provide for his family. As a result, Ha closed his shop and began work as a rice carrier. This too provided only minimal income, and involves extremely hard labour, particularly for someone with Ha's injury.

After two years of the back-breaking task of carrying rice, Ha was approached by CWARS )as Lom Orng was then known) to begin training at the facility in Banteay Meanchey. He is extremely happy with the training he has received, as it has renewed the independence and self-esteem he lost when he was injured, and given him new respect in his community.

He now ears over 10,000 Riel per day, and has been able to put all three of his children into school.

Ha was an enthusiastic and excitable character. With a huge smile and booming voice, he speaks nothing but praise of the Lom Orng organisation and the opportunities he has received. His three children were at school, yet he was happy to spend his day with a local boy not as fortunate as his children. He was explaining everything to the boy as he did it, and had him assist at every opportunity. He was a very kind-hearted man, who had benefited in every way from his time at Lom Orng.